Materials: (Per Post)
4 ¾ x 4 ¾ x 98” PVC Fence Post (Lowes Home Supply / Garden Area)
4 ¾ x 4 ¾ PVC Fence Post End Caps (2)
4” x 5/16 “ lag bolts (4)
5/16 “ x 1 ½ “ Washers (12)
5/16 “ bolts (8)
5/16 “ Nylon Lock Nuts (4)
SS Screws (2)
9’ length of light PVC gutter (Home Depot or Lowes Lumber area)
½ “ x 24” Wooden Dowel (or an old broomstick)
Small Hinge
(Paint Optional – I used Black)
Location: (2009 Damon Outlaw - your's may vary)
I mounted the posts under the last under carriage storage box; using the box itself as a mounting point.
Up to three (posts) can be put in this location. Side by side; with 2” appropriate spacing between post.
Order of construction:
Lag Bolt
(Wall of box)
(Wall of Box)
Top of PVC Fence Post
Lock Nut
Measured from the outside edge I drilled a series of 3/8” holes (elongated to allow for “tweaking”) at approximately 3” and 8” and approximately 1 ¾ “ from the side edge(allowing for the 1 ½” washer.
I also made a template for use in locating and drilling the holes through the bottom of the box.
Using the template, I drilled 3/8” holes through the Box (under the rubber mat) and inserted the lag bolts. (This photo taken before bolt was tightened so it looks like *&^% but I promise, it fit!)
This photo, taken during the “fitting” process) shows the bolts and washers through the bottom of the box and down through the PVC Fence Post.
Please note the smaller screw hole in the end cap which holds the end cap in place, yet allows for removal so the inside of the pipe can be cleaned if necessary. (The other end is discussed below)
Photo of the other end during the fitting process.
The PVC Gutter is just the right size to slip into the PVC Pipe, and the sewer hose fits like it was made for it as well. The open end is blocked by cutting and fitting a piece of wooden dowel with 2 screws. It also acts as a handy handle.
Close up (during fitting process) of gutter insert with wooden dowel end piece and sewer hose.Passenger side close up of all 3 PVC pipes, end caps in place
Drivers side, PVC pipes with gutter’s in place and extra winter pipes, sewer hose, and spare water lines inside. Rearmost contains 2 x 8’ and 1 x 6’ sewer hose (24' total), middle contains 4 x 6’ braided water lines with insulation, and frontmost contains currently deployed sewer hose (threw in two braided lines for scale). What I did not take a photo of (I'm bad) is the small hinge mounted on the bottom of the pipe to hold the cap in place. The hinge (mounted through the bottom edge of the cap, creates tension on the pipe to hold it closed and in place).
Driver side, caps closed and ready for travel.