Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rear Ramp Converted to Deck

Among all the Outlaw owners I've talked to through various sources, the most popular modification is changing the rear loading ramp into an area that can be used as a porch or deck.  The conversion was surprisingly easy.  There are plenty of people who have paved the way on this, and among the owners I talked to (through iRV specifically) is a guy named Don who designed and manufactured his own brackets.  Don had the advantage over me with his experience and tools.  I went the other way and found a local welder who manufactured the aluminum brackets for me.  The rest of the stuff, SS chain, the clear hose, and the anchor brackets and bolts, were all obtained from one of the local home stores.  Installing the brackets and measuring and drilling, is all covered in detail in other areas, so I won't bore you with the details here. 

I quite frankly don't recall the total cost, but whatever it has been worth the expense. I'm pretty sure that it wasn't more then $75-100.   Whatever it was, it was worth every penny.  I use the back deck more then I ever expected.

Deck / Ramp bracket connected with two SS bolts & nuts.  This also shows the "U" bracket.

Top U ring where it connects to the inside rail.

The ramp / deck in use.  No fair pointing out how cluttered it is, I was cleaning and organizing that day!

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